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                               Corrosion awareness day Symposium                      

SATHYABAMA - INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Centar for nanoscience and nanotechnology, India, in association with  Indian institute of metals and journal  MATERIALS PROTECTION, organize International Symposium

                                            Corrosion awareness day Symposium                                                                      
- CORPOSIUM 2022 -
The symposium will be held on April 22 and 23, 2022. It will be on-line for participants from other countries of the world. Abstracts of papers can be submitted until April 15. You can send the complete paper by May 25.

All papers that are reviewed and approved by the author will be published in the journal MATERIALS PROTECTIO

You can read more about the Sympsium in the attachment.

                                                        Engineers  Society of  Corrosion

                                                         Journal  MATERIALS PROTECTIION


SITS • Union of Engineers and Technicians of Serbia • Kneza Milosa 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia • Phone: +381 11 32 30 067